The benefits of protein Fitness

The benefits of protein Fitness

The benefits of protein Fitness

?What are the best types of protein

? What is the required amount of protein? What are the most important food and protein components

?Does eating much protein harms

. we Will answer all these questions in this article

Protein is very important for the body because it sustains the body with amino acids and it is the 
 most important element in building muscle, Protein is the backbone of bodybuilding sports , and it is 
. essential for success in this sport 

Without taking your sufficiency of protein, there will be no progress in building muscle, whateverthe 
.level of your training is well 

You should think of the body as plant, Training as existing machines, Workers are constructive hormones, Carbohydrates and fats are sources of power plant, and protein is the raw material Without protein (raw material) you cannot produce anything, however, increased operating machinery, labor and energy, Making it non-productive factory
So if you want to build your body you must  attention to get the proper amount of protein

?What are the best  types and sources of protein

: Animal protein
Animal protein

Is a protein which we get from eggs, meat and milk and this type of protein contains all the key  
.amino acids  

: animal protein sources

 .fish, meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products such as cheese, and milk

: Plant Protein
: Plant Protein

Is a protein that is found in plants, this type does not contain all the basic amino acids  
(This means     that all amino acids do not meet in one vegetarian diet) 
such as grain (wheat, corn, and Rice) and nuts of all kinds, 
but you have to know my dear reader that Vegetarian cuisine does not provide the body with a large 
. amount of protein so you must maintain a diet has a lot of different food 

 There are many sources of protein, However, a diversification in the sources is so important to make sure you take all the amino acids you need from various sources and get  other elements benefit from 
.these sources

But it should be the focus of the bodybuilding player in the following sources: milk and dairy 
. products, eggs,  fish, chicken, soy protein, meat, and supplements

There is a classification according to the biological value(BV) for  protein on the body  and the 
. higher the (BV) the higher the benefits of protein for the body

                      biological value (BV)
Type of protein
Whey isolate
Whey concentrate
Milk's protein
Egg's protein
Soy's protein

Protein deficiency

: There are many symptoms that indicate protein deficiency, including

1- lose weight fast

   2- fatigue                 

3- worry                

       4- low resistance to diseases        

Either a deficiency in children, causing slow growth, Diarrhoea and if this deficiency continue that's
 may lead to different symptoms of liver injury and tumors, And hormonal imbalance leads to 
inadequate urination .

Benefits of protein for hair and skin:

What do you see when you look in the mirror??????????????????? 
Fresh and soft skin or Wrinkles and imperfections
When you get the wrinkles in the skin and suffer from hair loss and broken nails, You should know that they are the first signs of a lack of freshness and collagen deficiency, whether due to age, or poor nutrition.
 so, What is the role of the protein in all this?
Specialists indicate that the collagen in the body is made of protein fibers

And it plays a role in strengthening the skin, blood vessels,  teeth, and bones Any lack of it affects the health of skin, hair and nails Being composed of protein not calcium as some think So any lack of which translates in bombed and weaknesses, Thus it's growth as the hair roots are composed of protein, as well as skin cells.