Five Get the perfect body in 10 minutes

Five Get the perfect body in 10 minutes

The nature of life in our world has become fast already, so you have to adapt to these situations in the whole of your lifestyle, even with sports. 
trainings that must perform to maintain physical fitness

Some fitness exercises can be carried out at home daily in the morning before you go to work, and it will not take from you just a few minutes.

Here I will introduce to you five easy exercises may be performed in less than 10 minutes without troubles,
do these exercises with a healthy diet, appropriate athlete timetable, and I promise you, you will be like the famous boxing player Muhammad Ali

Exercises on the bed:

Before stepping out of  your bed, you can perform a number of movements that you will not take a long time, for example

the peddler
-The Peddler: Lying down on your back, on the ground or on the edge of your bed, peddle your legs using ample circular movements for two minutes

The Side Kick: The Side Kick: This is an amazing exercise that make your legs, buttocks, hips, core, and thighs all works at once

-lye down on a mat on your side

-rest on one arm and keep your body straight as possible

side kick
-start the series by kicking your top leg into the air and bring it back down so that it almost touches your bottom leg 
-Hold your top leg for 10 seconds then bring it back into the air
-After you have done 10-15 leg kicks, bring your top leg up and rotate your leg in circles 10 times
These exercises increase muscle strength by 107 % and increase the size of these muscles almost by 30%
running in place

 Running in place:

This exercise gives you a fitness over time, it can be exercised by jogging in place is similar to using a 'walker', and this exercise will strengthen the muscles of the legs..

pushup exercise 

This exercise favored by many men as it is an easy exercise

 which does not take a long time, depending on where the gradient, which provides an opportunity for a man to maintain it.

You can put for yourself  a particular number of pushup exercise, and you can fragment this number in stages, and between each stage and the other rest to

take a deep breath, and then resume the exercise in order to reach the number you specified,

and trust fully that this figure will increase over time. And push up exercise  is beneficial for men Fitness  and thicken,

 and it is distinguished from many of fitness violent and exhausting exercises for the body because it easier.

 heavy punches Bag:

You could benefit from some padding unwanted in your home, such as cutting cloth or sponge or papers to fill out a pillow and hang it for use in the  punches exercise which strengthens the muscles of the chest and arms.
punches bag made at home

this exercise can be done at home with ease without trouble, and will not take your time more than three minutes,  persevere on it in the morning.

For more enthusiasm, I advise you to attach a picture of some famous boxers on any of these pillows so that gives you a feeling reflected a positive performance during the exercise

weight lifting:

You Can exploit any iron stick you do not  use at home and install the twofold on both sides, and sports weight lifting, and you can change the weights all the time where you want to raise loads more
weight lifting

this exercise will not take you more than five minutes, and can be exercised at any time you want, without the trouble.

And now you can do these special fitness exercises, for a few minutes daily, which will be reflected positively sure on you, so do not miss the opportunity

tips for slimming the rumen in short time

 tips for slimming the rumen in a  short time

Who among us didn't watch those ads on satellite or on the Internet about a magical place belt around the abdomen and remain lying down and watching tv while he does 
move around and burn fat without any effort from you

As well show you a group of people, men and women are doing a series of abdominal 
exercises they performed with difficulty they dislike for these exercises on the other hand, another group put this machine and they are beaming prominent belly muscles

And they tell you that this belt gives the effect of hours of strenuous exercises for the abdomen in 10 minutes only to earn the attention of viewers who suffer from fat around the abdomen, all this talk is baseless

How to lose belly in the right way

Belly slimming and fat burning on the abdomen, buttocks and belly diet exercise  heart strengthen exercises:
ride bike
Or any kind of strenuous sports push your heart to reach the maximum number of strikes and this for at least 20 minutes and well so your body starts burning fat

When your body starts burning fat under the skin, improve your body become more toned and also due to loss of fat, your body will become leaner than before .

So you must do this exercise 5 times a week in order to lose belly and if possible you can bodybuilding when large muscle exercises like the chest, back, thighs, you burn large quantities of fat and at the same time compensated by muscles

Top tips lose belly :

Sleeping :

Yes sleeping will help you lose belly when you keep lying for hours late into the night, your body secretes hormones that make it thirsty to sugars which lead to increased fat around the abdomen so you'll sleep early for at least 7 hours to make your body to loose belly

Train quietly :

You can't Burn Fat  through 1000 type of exercise a once. These exercises can give you Strong muscles of Belly Fat, but it will not help you Weight Loss big "potbelly  ,so, try 3 maximum exercises practiced by 3 times A week for weight loss the abdomen

Sugar is the enemy you in abdominal obesity:

Abdominal obesity is 80% from diet so try reducing the calories you eat and focused on proteins and green vegetables As well as bad habits in nutrition like not eating junk food and soft drinks offset by small meals healthy to lose belly

 vitamin C :

When under pressure, for some reason, your body secretes large quantities of cholesterol and vitamin c helps you modify cholesterol in your body, as well as the vitamin c helps to convert fats into the body into energy leading to loose belly in short time

Drinking water:

Many are unaware that drinking water helps burn fat in General
and, in particular the rumen loss, so make water a friends with you  in this period and you should drink between 8 to 12 Cups of water a day to lose belly 

Green tea :

Considered a beverage that helps enlighten the rumen because recent studies have confirmed that people who drink daily cup of green tea regularly for 12 weeks, they burn fat by 16% more than people who don't drink green tea should make green tea favorite during the burn belly fat

Fast diet to lose 9 kg in a week

Fast diet to lose 9 kg in a week

fast diet
a Fast diet consisting of only 7 days and it can help you to lose weight approx. 9 kg, it was renamed under the name "fast diet" because, it can help people appear thinner and less weight in a very short period .

This diet is divided into 3 main meals, but depend on reducing the consumption of food in a simple way and more importantly reducing the consumption of fats and calorie-rich foods which does not necessary while it provided the body with nutrients 
needed for daily activities.

This does not mean, of course, continue to implement the diet after seven days whatever the reasons only after consulting your doctor or dietitian and preferably consult before you begin dieting was recommended for one without the other .

The first day of the fast diet

vegetarian plate
Slice toast diet toasted +one fruit  of any type of + Cup skim milk .

Secondly: lunch 
A slice or piece of chicken breast poached or grilled taste  + dish of fresh vegetables  +cup of juice Kiwi and pineapple

Third: dinner
The same breakfast (toast slice+ fruit+ cup milk).

The second day of the fast diet

First: breakfast.

Slice toast toaster+ great diet peach+ slice cantaloupe 1+ cup of skim milk

Secondly: lunch

Dish Salad with mayonnaise spoon + some vegetables fresh + cup of pineapple juice and Kiwi

Third: dinner

Slice hamburger + Cup of Kiwi and pineapple juice

Third day  of fast diet

Breakfast :

Slice toast toasted diet + 5 slices pineapple + large fresh fruit + cup of skim milk

Secondly: lunch

Dish Salad consisting of lettuce, tomato and cut chicken breast + slice or piece of cheese free of fat +  Cup of pineapple juice and Kiwi

Third: dinner

Mashed potato+ cup skim milk

The fourth day of fast Diet

Breakfast :

Toast Diet Toasted+  slice half of a grapefruit medium-sized + cup of skim milk.

Secondly: lunch

2 hard boiled egg boiling well + plate fruit salad + Cup pineapple juice and Kiwi

Third: dinner

Chicken salad that is described in the third-day lunch + 8 teaspoons peas steamed  cup skim milk

On the fifth day of the fast diet

Breakfast :

Fruit of any kind + 3 fruits of apricots + 1 cup skim milk.

Secondly: lunch

Tuna salad without oil + dish of green salad or fresh vegetables set + cups pineapple juice and Kiwi.

Third: dinner

Mashed potato + stuffed Zucchini + 2 cups pineapple juice and Kiwi

Sixth-day fast diet.

Breakfast :

Slice toast toaster + half cantaloupe fruit+ diet Cup skim milk

Secondly: lunch

vegetarian plate + fruit of apples+ one cup of pineapple juice and kiwi

Third: dinner

2 slices veal steak grilled and spiced tomato juice + mashed potato + 1 cup pineapple juice and Kiwi

Seventh-day fast diet


Slice toast diet + 2 fruits + 1 cup skim milk
weight losss

Secondly: lunch

A dish of green salad + pineapple juice and Kiwi

Third: dinner

3 pieces of sausage Turkey links grilled + mashed potatoes + juice Kiwi and pineapple

Important notes when you follow the diet:

 all banana prevented  through dieting.1-
2- never  continue to follow a diet More Than 7 days, for whatever reason

3- consult a physician before following fast Diet or any diet

Diet Cummins, the fastest diet to lose belly

Diet Cummins, the fastest diet to lose belly

fastest diet to lose weight
 At the begining,cumin could be defined as  that herbal plant, that it does not grow throughout the year. The length of plant from 30 to 40 cm, any limited length plant Papers are dark green, combined and thin. plant produces small white flowers purple .

This plant, on the plant produces berries, fruit, green olive color, rectangular in shape, fragrant smell and taste bitter .

And cumin has lots of benefits that distinguish it from other herbs and other plants, where it helps greatly to complete digestion. It also contributes to problems of constipation and abdominal cramps and helps to rid the body of gases .

Regarding the idea of diet of cumin, because cumin improves digestion and absorption materials and nutrients properly. This combat store fat and grease .

Diet of cumin plays a larger role being the fastest weight loss diet works on the rumen being safe herb that works for all ages and helps greatly in burn the fat of the body particularly more places where body fat is rumen and buttocks the most important .

But even if the person does not wish to lose belly in particular, it can resort to diet for body slimming and cumin fat burning and weight loss unwanted from the body as a whole .

It's not only proposition that a healthy diet, but in addition to being faster than a healthy diet could be followed for all ages and genders .

And does not require diet Cummins cruelty or depriving oneself of food intake, and , Not a single food system must be followed. All what we will drink a glass or cup of cumin essential before basic meals
Taking into account the diet meals or modified somewhat. design can be a suitable diet provided attendance The dates for meals with a cup cumin before every meal .

how to make the  cumin mixture for use in the diet :

How to make cumin mixture

Cup mixing of hot water with half a lemon juice and a tablespoon of ground cumin and a half teaspoon of ground ginger and left to become half-hearted and a little drink before each meal.
Example for food system can be followed with diet cumin

First: breakfast

Preferably this meal consists of a plate of vegetables and fruits

Second: lunch

We must get through this meal proteins which can be obtained through the chicken or fish or meat.

Third: dinner

The goal of this diet is to get the calcium, which is available sharply in milk and dairy products, this meal can be as follows:
Cup skim milk + Corn Flakes (corn chips) + yogurt box

Fourth: The snack.

This could be in the meal eating brown toast slice or half my loaf with grilled or boiled potatoes.

Important notes when you follow cumin diet :

1-You must eat meals at regular intervals.
2-Care must be taken to deal with cumin mixture cup before each meal.
3-It should take about 2 liters of water a day.
4-In this way you can make the most of the diet being called the fastest growing Cummins diet to burn fat and slimming, slimming belly 

Benefits of water

Benefits of water

This is a series of how to keep you body fit if you follow it even if you have fatty body you will get  you body fitness in a short time 

if you love your body you will follow and keep in touch with our blog  to have a healthy living

with  a    perfect body fitness

At the beginning, we all should know how harmful  is  fat FOR ALL people because it causes

 many diseases  like:
Diabetes, Cancer, Congestive Heart Failure, Enlarged Heart, Fatty Liver 

Disease, Depression, High Blood Pressure, Back Pain

All these diseases you can avoid by following a healthy food plan and keep your body fit by doing 


So, we should take care of our body in everything: food, rest, fitness


We will start with you by the first step in our  programme  about food and beverages you need to

save and make your body stronger and more fit

-Here we will speak about the benefits of water as an important  natural element exist   to help

At the beginning, we should know that The water contains many precious minerals and nutrients that 

your body needs to function properly so, when you wake up you should drink 1-2 glasses of water 

on an empty stomach because it has magician effect on the body it helps the stomach in the process of 

digestion and it also purifies the liver

Water is One of the best  natural disinfectant  for your body So attracts many poisons to him and get 

rid of it during the process of urination

-water is very important  especially during weight loss process as The body has a lot of fat and 

waste.and in case of your body  have not enough quantity these poisons will stay in your body

Benefits of water for all

For kids: ( 1  year or more)

Mother should encourage their kids to drink about 0.8-1.4 liters during the day regularly

For teenagers: teenager need at least about 1.6  litres of water every day

and it increases by increasing the activityFor adult people

Adult people need about 1.5 -2 litres of water during the day

These quantities are enough in normal weather and it increase in summer and hot weather

We should Keep in mind that if you are practicing the sport must drink additional quantity from the 

 . previous

And for those who practice their sport advised them to drink cold water, it is absorbed faster in their 

system than warm water, and can instantly your metabolism, which can cause you to burn more 

. calories process

Water is a natural factor to the loss of calories Water is either cool or iced or in a regular degree

helps to increase metabolism 'burning' process rate so your body burns many calories

- drinking a glass of water before you go to sleep helps your body to renew loses fluids throughout 

the day due to normal activity, and you Often need to keep your body hydrated in order to

 better health 

And the amazing that your body does not need a lot of fluids to compensate for what has been lost, so 

If you would like a natural balance in your body handled the water because it enhances the vitamins 

and nutrients and minerals

Finally: If you take a few water during your day That will affect negatively on your body Where it 

will automatically store in every ounce of water in your body, Thus it affects your weight and make
you look and feel bloated in your body and your facial features

  Always Remember !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep a regular habit of drinking water during exercise  times

diet and weight loss programmes to burn more calories

-if you are a good wife you should save enough quantity water, fresh juice and vegetables for your 

family to compensate the liquids the body lose especially in hot weather

At the end  I wish you  discovered new information and if you have any question please ask us

and we will present the best answer for your question

Natural Max weight loss pills…………….. facts you do not know

Natural Max weight loss pills…………….. facts you do not know

Natural Max slimming
Natural Max pills have become the most popular and famous weight loss pills at the moment.
Many people said that it was an effective way for both who suffer from overweight and want to lose weight without diet, some say  it is the ideal and the best solution to eliminate obesity.

Ingredients of Natural Max pills

Natural MaxGarcinia characterized as consisting from fully natural ingredients as their producers and promoters say that it is free from chemical fully.
They say that it is composed of abstract plants that make those covered by able to control their appetite in all larger.
Exemples of plants that go into the manufacturing of Natural Max slimming pills threading sweet potatoes , gum spambots, overvalues, Koon jak, lobe and Vella la
In addition, it included in the composition of plants Alfoinom Altrigonilla, Alico at, Almarome, guarana, Alsotellaroides, Alkoxy, plant  Algohiawlaa, cola, and  Altokahi
Manufacturers promote that natural max pills are save product, and content and can lose weight by healthy way and balanced manner.and they also claim that the pills do not adversely affect the heart and kidney or other organs of the body and that the product has been tested and tried many and highly effective. And among the most important companies which tested the product  quality company  H&R global Indianapolis LTD, USA.
Promoter of Natural  Max pills also allegedly fit people of both sexes aged between 16 -62 violin that slimming pills do not cause any disorder of nerves and cause feeling of depression and they made it in USA AND licensed worldwide.
Side effects of Natural Max
Between supporters and opponents, some say anti-grain that cause pain and cramps and chest problems, and increase the strokes and heart palpitations rate
Cereal makers say it is a way to fill a hungry person who dealt with the feeling of satiety and fullness and lose the desire to eat, plus it works to activate an enzyme in the liver works to burn fat safely and very healthy and that the resulting problems Due to the lack of necessary conditions and consumer use or increase the rate of normal use and which may not exceed one tablet every 24 hours, whatever the reasons or causes, preferably after breakfast and commitment at this time.
In the same context, promoters emphasize that all products are not allowed for diabetics and pressure for pregnant and lactating women, and not addressed to anyone who suffers from thyroid disease or imbalance in hormones or similar. it Must be used after consultation with a physician, because it might correct to someone and prevent another person.

Advantages of Natural Max as promoters say:

Natural Max slimming for diet 

 On the other hand, many wondered how effective natural max in loss weight without diet, producers says that grain varies from one person to another and from one body to another in conjunction with exercise and movement in general or not. But in general, these pills can cause a loss weight of 7 to 11 kg per month and perhaps more or less depending on each body are other factors that have been mentioned, As for the appearance of the results vary from one person to another Where the grain impact can starts to appear since the first week and may start after three weeks of use, and possibly more.
For symptoms that appear on the natural person who deals with grain vary between feeling thirsty, or fatigue during the first week of use of grain and probably all these symptoms together.

Our opinion

Between the lack of belief in the credibility of Natural Max LOSS body or the validity and relevance, and being a criminal trade in some producer countries this article is not considered means of publicizing the product or distortion of it, and is only an attempt to discuss the objective of a product is much talk about it all who wish to lose weight without diet We advise our followers and readers with caution and consult a specialist before taking any drug to avoid any problems that might occur.

The most important Weight loss tips for all people

 The most important Weight loss tips for all people

Weight loss tips

. by knowing and following the next  14 tips you will get a perfect body these tips are speaking about how to eat,how to prepare a plan which contain healthy food ,what you have to do after eating, advices  for the shopping you do ,advices for cooking and how to cook,the best food you would eat to keep your body fit , the way for eating to loss weight

Weight loss tip 1

 -Have a good habits at your eating, The best way to do this is having food dairy.

Weight loss tip 2
-having your activity diary.
It’ll make you aware of how much exercise you’re getting and help you making advances. Fill in your activity diary for a week and rearrange your goals,
 every week reviews your previous goals and set new ones once you have achieved your target

Weight loss tip 3
-eating fruit before lunch or dinner. help you eat less food

Weight loss tip 4
- Learn to say no: Don't accept all invitations to dinner and drinks
-and suggest activities: Suggest activities like a weekend hike or dance lessons or doing sports and walking and Don’t let a hard or busy  day stop you from being active and  
Fight the excuses by anyway

Weight loss tip 5

If you buy more, you will eat more so be careful from supermarkets discounts in bulks so you should
Shop with a list. This will stop you buying food on impulse.

Weight loss tip 6
 -Careful how you cook! Use steaming, boiling and baking instead of frying or roasting.

Weight loss tip 7
-Never fill your stomach when you eat; because
Filling’ your stomach 
means you are eating too much.
always leave some room

Weight loss tip 8 
 -have an eye on what you drink!
drinking more water it helps in or prevent
snacking in between meals. Water is the best thirst quencher
Drinking sugary drinks has been
associated with  fatness but if you really want a fizzy drink try unsweetened fruit juice diluted with sparkling water instead.

Weight loss tip 9 -
If you have free time do three short 10-minute bouts of physical activity  help in bulding healthy body and try to
increase these 30 minutes gradually to 60 - 90 minutes over time

Weight loss tip 10
 -search for a friend to get support from him (wants to have weight loss) because
A weight loss buddy will help you stay motivated

Weight loss tip 11
-try to exchange white bread and rice with whole grain varieties.. You’ll feel fuller for longer time.         
Reward yourself, by spending some time catching up with friends. Or reading a new book bur remember be far away from chocolate, and sweets
Read food labels and
take advantage of information
Compare like for like products and choose those that are lower in salt, sugar and fat.
Snack on vegetables and fruit between meals, Because
They are naturally low
in fat and prevent you from snacking on higher fat foods.

Weight loss tip 12
- Enjoy your meal and the company And eat slowly to give your body time to send you a message that you are satisfied.

Head down to your local pharmacy and pick up a free tape measure. Measure your waist, and be sure that your waist less than 37 inches. For men, and less than 32 inches for women