The most important Weight loss tips for all people

 The most important Weight loss tips for all people

Weight loss tips

. by knowing and following the next  14 tips you will get a perfect body these tips are speaking about how to eat,how to prepare a plan which contain healthy food ,what you have to do after eating, advices  for the shopping you do ,advices for cooking and how to cook,the best food you would eat to keep your body fit , the way for eating to loss weight

Weight loss tip 1

 -Have a good habits at your eating, The best way to do this is having food dairy.

Weight loss tip 2
-having your activity diary.
It’ll make you aware of how much exercise you’re getting and help you making advances. Fill in your activity diary for a week and rearrange your goals,
 every week reviews your previous goals and set new ones once you have achieved your target

Weight loss tip 3
-eating fruit before lunch or dinner. help you eat less food

Weight loss tip 4
- Learn to say no: Don't accept all invitations to dinner and drinks
-and suggest activities: Suggest activities like a weekend hike or dance lessons or doing sports and walking and Don’t let a hard or busy  day stop you from being active and  
Fight the excuses by anyway

Weight loss tip 5

If you buy more, you will eat more so be careful from supermarkets discounts in bulks so you should
Shop with a list. This will stop you buying food on impulse.

Weight loss tip 6
 -Careful how you cook! Use steaming, boiling and baking instead of frying or roasting.

Weight loss tip 7
-Never fill your stomach when you eat; because
Filling’ your stomach 
means you are eating too much.
always leave some room

Weight loss tip 8 
 -have an eye on what you drink!
drinking more water it helps in or prevent
snacking in between meals. Water is the best thirst quencher
Drinking sugary drinks has been
associated with  fatness but if you really want a fizzy drink try unsweetened fruit juice diluted with sparkling water instead.

Weight loss tip 9 -
If you have free time do three short 10-minute bouts of physical activity  help in bulding healthy body and try to
increase these 30 minutes gradually to 60 - 90 minutes over time

Weight loss tip 10
 -search for a friend to get support from him (wants to have weight loss) because
A weight loss buddy will help you stay motivated

Weight loss tip 11
-try to exchange white bread and rice with whole grain varieties.. You’ll feel fuller for longer time.         
Reward yourself, by spending some time catching up with friends. Or reading a new book bur remember be far away from chocolate, and sweets
Read food labels and
take advantage of information
Compare like for like products and choose those that are lower in salt, sugar and fat.
Snack on vegetables and fruit between meals, Because
They are naturally low
in fat and prevent you from snacking on higher fat foods.

Weight loss tip 12
- Enjoy your meal and the company And eat slowly to give your body time to send you a message that you are satisfied.

Head down to your local pharmacy and pick up a free tape measure. Measure your waist, and be sure that your waist less than 37 inches. For men, and less than 32 inches for women