vegetables as a great weapon

The benefits of protein Fitness

The benefits of protein Fitness

The benefits of protein Fitness

?What are the best types of protein

? What is the required amount of protein? What are the most important food and protein components

?Does eating much protein harms

. we Will answer all these questions in this article

Protein is very important for the body because it sustains the body with amino acids and it is the 
 most important element in building muscle, Protein is the backbone of bodybuilding sports , and it is 
. essential for success in this sport 

Without taking your sufficiency of protein, there will be no progress in building muscle, whateverthe 
.level of your training is well 

You should think of the body as plant, Training as existing machines, Workers are constructive hormones, Carbohydrates and fats are sources of power plant, and protein is the raw material Without protein (raw material) you cannot produce anything, however, increased operating machinery, labor and energy, Making it non-productive factory
So if you want to build your body you must  attention to get the proper amount of protein

?What are the best  types and sources of protein

: Animal protein
Animal protein

Is a protein which we get from eggs, meat and milk and this type of protein contains all the key  
.amino acids  

: animal protein sources

 .fish, meat, chicken, eggs and dairy products such as cheese, and milk

: Plant Protein
: Plant Protein

Is a protein that is found in plants, this type does not contain all the basic amino acids  
(This means     that all amino acids do not meet in one vegetarian diet) 
such as grain (wheat, corn, and Rice) and nuts of all kinds, 
but you have to know my dear reader that Vegetarian cuisine does not provide the body with a large 
. amount of protein so you must maintain a diet has a lot of different food 

 There are many sources of protein, However, a diversification in the sources is so important to make sure you take all the amino acids you need from various sources and get  other elements benefit from 
.these sources

But it should be the focus of the bodybuilding player in the following sources: milk and dairy 
. products, eggs,  fish, chicken, soy protein, meat, and supplements

There is a classification according to the biological value(BV) for  protein on the body  and the 
. higher the (BV) the higher the benefits of protein for the body

                      biological value (BV)
Type of protein
Whey isolate
Whey concentrate
Milk's protein
Egg's protein
Soy's protein

Protein deficiency

: There are many symptoms that indicate protein deficiency, including

1- lose weight fast

   2- fatigue                 

3- worry                

       4- low resistance to diseases        

Either a deficiency in children, causing slow growth, Diarrhoea and if this deficiency continue that's
 may lead to different symptoms of liver injury and tumors, And hormonal imbalance leads to 
inadequate urination .

Benefits of protein for hair and skin:

What do you see when you look in the mirror??????????????????? 
Fresh and soft skin or Wrinkles and imperfections
When you get the wrinkles in the skin and suffer from hair loss and broken nails, You should know that they are the first signs of a lack of freshness and collagen deficiency, whether due to age, or poor nutrition.
 so, What is the role of the protein in all this?
Specialists indicate that the collagen in the body is made of protein fibers

And it plays a role in strengthening the skin, blood vessels,  teeth, and bones Any lack of it affects the health of skin, hair and nails Being composed of protein not calcium as some think So any lack of which translates in bombed and weaknesses, Thus it's growth as the hair roots are composed of protein, as well as skin cells.

Secrets of the benefits of the fruit on health

Secrets of the benefits of the fruit on health

Secrets of the benefits of the fruit on health

Fruit is one of the most important foods that should be eaten daily and have very significant benefits to your body and you will learn in this thread on the about benefits of fruit for the body:-

-Eating fruits daily offers great benefits for the body, it is very rich in minerals,  vitamins, and anti-oxidants essential for maintaining a healthy body.

It was found that people who eat more vegetables and fruit as a part of the daily diet, May have decreased the likelihood of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes

The benefits of fruit to the body in general:-

They contain important vitamins and minerals such as fiber, potassium, vitamin "C" and Folic, in additions to containing the antioxidants which protect  the free cracks.

The benefits of fruit to body in breakfast:

-if you eat enough fruit at the breakfast you will not require coffee, as natural fruit sugers maintain the brain energized and sharp.

- people who eat fruit only at breakfast have been shown to be more productive during their day, and make you refreshed and ready to go and feeling light.

-there are many types of  fruit which  have great benefits if you want to lose weight and these fruits are:

1- strawberry:

The strawberries are not fruit with delicious taste only but it helps greatly to weight loss So it helps to stimulate growth hormones that help in burning fats like adiponectin, which
 helps in the increase of metabolism in the body


Peer contains a very high rate of fiber more than any other fruit as there is not any kind of Fruits extend the body with fiber such as those supplied by  peers to the body.

The fiber, which provided by the pear to the body help to continue  Feeling Full for a long time after having it,

And thus reduces the feeling of hunger and reduce the percentage of the food you eat and thus help you lose weight


grapefruit also one of the most important fruits that help Weight Loss

Where they do not have a small proportion of calories only, but also provide the body  highly with fiber, researchers say that "eating half of grapefruit before eating a meal helps to increase body metabolism and weight loss".


 You might think that these small fruits unable to benefit body weight loss, But in facts it helps very effectively to lose weight and get the appropriate body weight,

As it contains a high proportion of fiber and pectin are both natural materials significantly help to burn fat, so eating berries helps to lose excess weight


if you want to integrate a low-calorie fruit in your diet  peach fruit is ideal , As it contains a high concentration of potassium and vitamins that help to increase the rate of metabolism in the body , So getting rid of excess weight, as these fruits also help in flushing toxins out of the body


You must be careful to eat one Apple daily, That's where Apple fruit contains few calories and a high percentage of  fiber and potassium, Thus, it helps in losing weight rapidly nd Apple also contains an enzyme naturally helps burn body fat.


This delicious fruit help also greatly  to lose weight, 
 That's where pomegranate contains compounds poly phenol antioxidant that not only help to 
increase the metabolic rate of the body but also helps to reduce appetite.

8-Orange and Tangerine
Orange and Tangerine
Because oranges are high in vitamin "c",  thiamine, and folate It is considered a very important fruit to increase metabolic rate with body, by Converting body fat into energy, Orange also contains few calories and extend the body by fibres that make you feel full for a long time after having it

We've introduced the most important 8 fruit help to lose weight, if you want to lose weight easily, be sure to incorporate these fruits in your diet and it will get rid of excess weight in less time in a healthy and non-strenuous way.

And the benefits of the best types and sources of vitamins

And the benefits of the best types and sources of vitamins

Vitamin "E"

And the benefits of the best types and sources of vitamins
Benefits of vitamin "E"

an anti-oxidant properties for body fats.

Help to improve circulatory functions.

Helps in fighting breast diseases.

Aid in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin "E" is founded in corn, green olives, ,vegetables,cold pressed plant oils ,wheat germ, avocado, cooked spinach,papaya, paprika,pine nuts,bell peppers, sunflower seeds,almonds,mango and tomatoes, fish,  but food only can not beneficial amounts Of vitamin e supplement may be 

Vitamin "K

It can be found in:

Cabbage,cauliflower,spinach, leafy vegetables,cereal,broccoli,kale,swiss chard,squash,avocado, green apples, kiwi, green grapes,green beans,celery,sage


-Help in blood clotting

-Help in bones formation

-Necessary to prevent bleeding and accelerated wound healing

-And deficiency in the body makes an abnormal gallbladder secretion

Vitamin A:

Sources of vitamin A

Vitamin A
Comes from animal sources such as meat, eggs ,dairy products, fruits and vegetables, Beef liver, spinach, fish, milk, eggs and carrots, broccoli,sweet potatoes, kale,turnip greens,margarine

Benefits of vitamin A:

-Play an important role in the immune system.

-Includes beta-carotene which helps the retina, cornea and eye membranes to -------operate efficiently.

-Essential for vision

-Aid in growth and skin health

Vitamin B:

Types of vitamins:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B (12,6,2)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E

Vitamin K
Vitamin B:

Boiled eggs, avocado, peanuts, wheat bread, tofu, grill meat, oatmeal, salmon, legumes
Benefits Of vitamin "B6"
-Important for maintaining healthy brain function
-Formation of red blood cells and chemical transmitters
-Helps in the metabolism of food,
-Play a role in the formation of antibodies that fight the disease.
Sources of vitamin B2:
Tomatoes,spinach, eggs ,summer squash,cabbage,brussels sprouts, raspberries,broccoli

Benefits of vitamin B2:
Aid in energy production, healthy fetal development, and slowing down progression of AIDS virus
It needed for eyes and skin
Sources of vitamin B12
liver, tuna, salmon,  It also added to cereals, EGGS, milk and milk products, chicken, sardines, tuna, cod, lamb 
Oyster stew is the richest sources
Animal products are the best sources of vitamin B12

BENEFITS  of vitamin B12
-Vitamin B12 is a very vital component of the nervous system
-To configure red blood cells. It protects from anemia.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C

Sources of vitamin C 
Kiwi fruit, broccoli, chili paste Brussels, and melons, fresh Lemon juice,  vegetable juice - fresh vegetables and fruits  juice, wild strawberry, Camu camu, cranberry,orange,watermelon
Red pepper sweet contains Vitamin C more than any another dining

Benefits  of vitamin C
Vitamin "C" is one of the important antioxidants
It is also necessary for many of the key processes that occur in the body

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D

Sources of vitamin d:
-the body itself when it is exposed  to sunrays
Cheese, butter, fortified milk, fatty fish, fortified cereal, margarine
Benefits   of vitamin D:
Reduce the risk of cancer, flu, muscles aches, depression, diabetes.
Speeds  wound healing.


Backache, cancer, multiple sclerosis, obesity, and fatigue

What you should eat maintain your health

what you should eat

What you should eat maintain your health

Everyone ask himself this question "what I have to eat ?and how to keep my body healthy?
? .......Is that food contains protein, vitamin, calcium, or

 and everyone wants answers

 here you can find your info you are searching for.

Her we will show you best food that help you to keep your body healthy and fitness you will findlists 
that contain all kinds of food that provide you with these elements which are essential for building your body and muscles

The most important  elements are:


First of all we are going to talk about "vitamins"

What are vitamins?

Organic compounds that exist in a low concentration in the food, and It is a vital nutrient in limited quantities.

What are benefits of vitamins?

Vitamins are required by the human body in a very small amounts and it does not produce energy in the human body.

However, it is very important for the survival and integrity of the human body,

 because  A deficiency of these vitamins leads to various diseases and It can be prevented by taking 
adequate amounts of vitamins.

Vitamins help body grow and repair damaged cells in the human body,

And maintain the integrity of the skin, nervous system, hair, teeth, muscles, 

protection from anemia, bones,  and from hardening of the arteries.

Our daily vitamins needs  vary from one person to another depending on age, sex, physiological status

-From What kinds of food we can get "Vitamins"

After talking about vitamin we are going to talk about the second element that is essential for our body "protein"

What are proteins?

proteins are central compounds, that have many functions in our bodies proteins exist in all tissues, and it a part of every process that occurs in the body

proteins consist of amino acids in different combinations, and Each type of protein have different functions in different processes.

How much protein do we  need?

healthy food
According to Health experts, the amount of protein that you should eat during one day, 

to avoid protein deficiency, is at least 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight Any  person who has good health and weighs 70 kg needs to consume at least 56 grams of protein.

to avoid protein deficiency, is at least 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight Any  person who has good health and weighs 70 kg needs to consume at least 56 grams of protein.

Active people need between 1.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight.

Importance of protein?

 from what kind of food we can get it? 

What are carbohydrates?

carbohydrates are( consider from macronutrients), organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms,

and it prepared with protein and fat  and key nutrients for the human body and it consider the main source of energy.
healthy food

The body converts most carbohydrate when eaten into glucose (sugar) that is used to feed the cells, 
such as cells in the muscles and brain.

There are three different types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch, and fiber Most carb's food contain a mixture of all the three types in varying quantities.

After that we had known what are carbohydrates, we will show in this topic what are the benefits of carbohydrates:

what are the benefits of carbohydrates?

from what kind of food we can get it?

What are the carbohydrates that you should avoid?

Easiest exercises at home

Easiest exercises at home

Are you looking for some easy exercises to burn some fat?
Do you want to try exercises that are actually show results to your body?

 There are a many exercises  that you can perform in order to keep your body fit
Some of these exercises need equipment and others  can be done freehand
These exercises which we introduce are the best and the easiest so try it and you will never regret


superman exercise
-First step: Lie facedown  on  a mat  with your legs outstretched together behind you and your arms extended in front you.

-Try to lift your arms(your arms over your head), your head, your chest, and your legs as high as you can in order to form U-shape

-Hold for 2 seconds then lower you body

-Repeat these actions 12 times

Now stand up and try this exercise and you will see the difference after few days

Benefits of supermans exercise:

It is a powerful exercise to reduce tummy and thighs

Squat Jumps:

-Stand up straight
-Place your hand back of your head
-dip your knees, but make sure your back stays straight
 -jump as high as you can and keep your hands behind your head
-when you land squat down and that again and again
-try this exercise for 45 seconds, and tell us how many squat you did? 

Pushup exercise:

Benefits of pushup:
It is an important (because it helps in build strong muscles in upper body  and help in burn more calories) and easy  exercise (you can do it in anywhere where you can find a small free space without using any equipment


 everyone must do this easy exercise, everyone know it, but not everyone do it because of using of vehicles.

Benefits of walking:

- It is the easiest exercise ever does not need any equipment and it is accessible                                    to everyone 
-It decreases the risk of heart diseases, heart attack, stress, and the risk of cancers.
--help in maintaining strong bones and build body fitness.
-Finally: you do not have to pay to do it.

aerobic exercise
aerobic exercises:
 Aerobics is the most famous sports provided by sports clubs.  
It is like dance movements and it include many types:

Benefits of aerobic

-losing weight so fast 
-preventing body from contouring 
 -it works on Increasing the daily energy and mental health
-increasing muscle strength



Dancing it is a fun sport through which you can output  negative energy moving many of the body- muscles at the same time.
Therefore, any girl feels happy after dancing, and that increases her morale.
in addition to increasing burning calories, which increases your the fitness

Running in place.

Do this exercise while you are listening to music or watching TV at home
Really,it  very useful sport for your heart,

 do not forget to wear athletic shoes to avoid the pain of the legs.

Please do these exercise and tell us how you feel and if you have any experiences
share it with us to benefit others

How to get rid of belly fat, thighs, and buttocks?

How to get rid of fat in the abdomen and thighs and buttocks

get rid of fat

Fat collected in the lower region of the body, specifically in the thighs, abdomen, and

 because of sitting for extended periods of time depending on the nature of work,

As well as eating a lot of carbohydrates and fats,

 which are gathered in that region, especially for Women more than men, which may be concentrated in the abdomen more (for men)

1-do exercise, which is working to tighten abdomen, muscles, thighs and buttocks,

2-go walking, jogging or ride a bike, whether real or stationary bike, these are the most slimming exercises for the lower zone.

3-get rid of wrong habits such as seating for very long time. every hour practice walking at home for 5 minutes.

4-practice your habits in a different ways was like go up the stairs instead of using the elevator, that drain the vehicle away somewhat from your workplace and your home which make you walking down a bit.

5- Eat more and more fruits and vegetables. 

6-drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses every day.

7-drink the hot beverages such as cinnamon,  green tea, ginger,  etc.......

8- Eat hot foods rich in vitamin" c" such as Strawberry, guava, citrus as well as  green beans.

9-Focus on fiber-rich foods, whether from fruits such as watermelons, melons and citrus  and all kinds of vegetables such as lettuce and watercress, cucumber or whole grains or legumes.

10-Eat free-fat proteins such as fat-free meat chicken skinned and

     dairy-free milk and others.

11-Eat saturated fats like olive oil and  nuts but not roasted.

12-Reduce the carbohydrates  and eat whole grains such as  oats, wheat, brown rice, barley, etc......

 suitable Exercises for slimming that region:

squat exercise

Squat exercise:

*stand moderately and your head facing forward and place your fingers back of your head with your chest help up.

*pull your elbows and shoulders back.

*set back through your heels as
 you are sitting in an imaginary chair, With a focus on the spreaded feet  on the ground and not on the front of the fingers and the knees.

*freeze for seconds and then stand again.and repeat that again and again

lifting exercise

lifting exercise:

 *Growing on your back and include your lap and lift your knees with two feet legs straight on the ground .

*raise your feet off the floor and hold for aout 15 seconds repeat for at least 4 sets

 buttock lift Exercise:

buttock lift exercise
*from the same position with buttock lift

 and lower them several times.

the abdominal muscles and lift buttocks 
scissors execise

Work on tightening abdominal muscles and buttocks and  loosening several times in a standing position, and can be repeated throughout the day .

The scissors exercise:

To lie down on the floor with your knees up and then move them right and left such as scissors, that helps slimming fat sides and waist. 

wheel Exercise :

To lie down on the floor stretched back then move legs like a bicycle.

Healthy Diet for children suffering from obesity

Healthy Diet for children suffering from obesity

children diet
This model can be applied as diet to lose weight for children that suffer from overweight or obese unwanted

And this diet divided into five meals a day so the child does not feel hungry, and this does not affect the growth and level of health and education. And note that the child needed materials and nutrients more than anyone else.

It has been provided all important elements needed by the child in a healthy diet to grow naturally,

But with the least amount of calories and  unuseful fat which contribute significantly on growing the problem of obesity in children and have a very bad effect on the child's future and life in General.

firstly :breakfast meal:-

Korn Flex plate Cup+ low-fat milk (local natural honey spoon instead of sugar),+ a cluster of grapes.

Secondly: in school:

Turkish sandwich a 2 slices toast them (Turkish chicken slice+ slice cheese+ sliced tomatoes,+ cucumber and lettuce) +Cup of orange juice

third: lunch meal:-

Grilled chicken+ breast baked potato instead of French fries as many calories+ dish Tabbouleh with a teaspoon of olive oil.

 fourthly : snack between lunch and dinner:-

A cup of Strawberry Banana Smoothie with low-fat milk, so enter in configured of one banana  and five beads of strawberry. You can add 3 biscuits wheat as a dietary supplement.
children obesity

Fifthly: dinner:-

Spaghetti Pasta dish with minced meat and its components are (30 grams of minced meat  Pasta spaghetti boiled cup + tomato sauce)+1 cup low-fat milk.

Obesity in children is a ticking bomb, no one wants to wait to see it explode in the late
So it has serious damages appears with the child reaches teenage and onwards

This diet has proven its effectiveness with many of the children because of the availability of the meats, fruits and juices, and elements and foodstuffs that do not do not make him feel hungry or impede his movement or level and educational curriculum.

We will continue to put more of the systems and health diet programs  for children that suffer from obesity make each mother select with her child the right system to avoid damage to his health problems and future obesity 

From now on, you and his father must set an example for him, ,in The increase in movement, exercise, eating healthy food,staying away from sodas and many food fat so don't feel discrimination and impunity often will affect it negatively.